Never feel good enough?

Are you sick of worrying what everyone thinks and fearing rejection? Always pleasing others and seeking approval?  Is work overwhelming because you fear making a mistake or daren’t slow down? Or are you exhausted from comparing yourself to others and overthinking every social interaction?

I know from my own experience that improving self worth is key and my Contented Mind newsletter will teach you. Plus you’ll get early bird access to exclusive online courses.   

My name is Rebecca Stambridge, a qualified therapist and mindful self compassion teacher. I used to struggle with low self worth and be preoccupied with other people’s opinions. It made me anxious, stressed and held back from living the life I wanted.

After discovering powerful tools to increase my self worth, I feel comfortable in my own skin, no longer seek approval and am happier than ever. Now, as self worth specialist, I love sharing what worked for me to help others feel good enough too.