Why do I think my friends are mad at me?

Two white, female friends

Do you often worry whether you friends are mad at you even when they tell you they aren’t? Perhaps thinking if they seem “off” thats its something you have done? Or maybe worried you have offended them if they don’t reply to a text? Maybe you feel anxious in other ways such as not wanting to say no or feeling left out easily? 

Worrying your friends are mad at your is a very common sign of friendship anxiety. Friendship anxiety is not a well known term  and you probably won’t get diagnosed with it at the doctors. As its often not talked about, its easy to think you’re the only one and feel alone. But its actually more common than you think and as a self esteem therapist its one of the most common issues my clients bring. In fact, I used to suffer from it too until I learnt how to work on it. This blog will explain what friendship anxiety is, what causes it and how to shake it off.

In the blog: 

  1. Why you always think your friends are mad at you ? 
  2. What causes friendship anxiety 
  3. How to stop worrying your friends are mad at you

Why you always think your friends are mad at you

We may think of ourselves as modern humans with our smart phones and netflix accounts but so much of how we feel, included friendship anxiety, is due to parts of the brain we have had since stone age times. 

Back then, our fight and flight systems protected us against predators by sending signals to the body and brain that we weren’t safe.  But as we depended on other people for food and shelter, our fight and flight systems also tried to protect us from rejected by “our tribe”. Therefore we have evolved with a part of the brain that is always on the look out for whether we are safe in our group. 

This part will jump to conclusions in order to protect you because “assuming the worse” was more likely to keep people safe. It will therefore mind you mind read and be on hyper alert for rejection. 

Signs of Friendship Anxiety

If you think your friends are mad at you this indicates you are struggling with anxiety that is affecting your friendships. Other signs of friendship anxiety include:   

  • Feeling like you cannot say no to a friend for fear of their reaction
  • Not feeling you can be yourself around friends
  • Worrying what your friends think of you and whether they like you, even friends you have had for a long time. 
  • Worrying if you have enough friends
  • Getting upset after scrolling social media if you see you friend out without you because you feel left out. 
  • Getting upset if your friends cancel because you think it means they don’t care.
  • Finding it hard to sleep or concentrate because of overthinking friendships so much
  • Withdrawing from friends because you feel upset or assume they do not like you. 

What causes friendship anxiety.

Another way to describe friendship anxiety is having an insecure attachment style. Our attachment style reflects how safe we feel in close relationships. If we have an insecure attachment style it means we will be on guard for being rejected or abandoned by people. So this will affect how we think, feel and behave around them. These patterns tend to happen involuntarily (i.e we can’t help it!) because our attachment style is embedded in our emotional systems that we are not consciously aware of. Our attachments systems are almost always determined by experiences we have had childhood.     

For example, we may have experienced loss of a parent or divorce or had parents who were critical, emotionally unavailable or even neglectful or abusive. These experiences lead to low self esteem that shape on our attachment style. However, it is also possible to experience friendship anxiety due to other life experiences such as being bullied at school or having a difficult relationship with your siblings.    


How to stop worrying your friends are mad at you

The good news is that there are plenty of proven tools you can implement straight away to stop worrying your friends are mad at you feel more secure. Below are a list of the most effective, evidence based tools I have used on myself and clients. 

Challenge your thinking

If we feel anxious around friends we are more likely to jump to conclusions about what people think of us which in turn makes us more anxious. But just because you think you’ve been rejected doesn’t mean you have been and its often the mind playing tricks.

So…your friend must be mad at your because she hasn’t replied to that text? You don’t know that for certain and she might just be busy. You’ve not been invited out because people don’t like you? Maybe there’s another explanation and it wasn’t personal. When you are feeling anxious note down the thoughts you are having in a journal and try to develop other alternatives.  

Practice mindfulness

meditation, mindfulness, nature-3480815.jpgWhat is going on in our minds affects how we feel but they are just thoughts. Trying to push them away can often backfire and mindfulness helps us to increase our awareness that “A thought it just a thought”. Practicing regularly can also help to stop thoughts from spiralling so that they have less affect on how you feel. 

Try focussing some of your attention on other things in the present moment, such as your feet, sounds around you  or what you eat and drink. This helps to give space to thoughts. Regular meditation can also help increase your mindfulness skills. Mindfulness can also help us to tune into and accept the feelings of anxiety in the body which helps to manage it. 


Learn to sooth yourself and reduce anxiety

When we’re anxious about friends our fight and flight system is activated i.e the body’s way of alerting us to danger. We then breath more quickly and our heart rate quickens which further increases anxiety and overthinking. Being able to sooth yourself and labelling your emotions will help to reduce anxiety and calm your mind. 

Learn to accept yourself and increase self esteem.

Often if we think out friends are mad at us its because of how we feel about ourselves. For example, if we are self critical then we will assume that other people cannot accept us. Therefore, having a low opinion of ourselves and fear rejection means we are more likely to experience friendship anxiety. It can take a while to improve self esteem but it is possible and you can read more about that here. It can also help to work with a therapist.  

Understand your past experiences

As our close adult relationship mirror our childhood ones, it can be useful to reflect on whether anything feels familiar. For example, were your parents often angry at you? Dod you feel that you had to do everything right in order to please them? Or perhaps they were not available in other ways? Understanding this, and reminding yourself that your friends are not the same as you parents, can be the first step to relearning attachment patterns in adulthood. 

Learn Self Compassion

There is increasing evidence that self compassion reduces anxiety and improves self esteem by helping you to develop a kinder relationship with yourself. Therefore it can be a really helpful tool to manage friendship and includes lots of the above tools and involves learning meditations, visualisations and other practices. You can practice self compassion meditations yourself or work with a therapist/teacher. 

Want to work with me?

I’m a fully qualified therapist and mindfulness coach specialising in anxiety and low self esteem. I offer practical, evidence based tools that worked for me.

If you’re interested in working with me to feel calmer and more confident in your social life click below for a FREE 30 min consultation.

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